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The Effect of Overthinking on Early Teenagers Mental Health at Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School

The Effect of Overthinking on Early Teenagers Mental Health at Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School

Lomba Peneliti Belia Nasional 2021

Livenia Evelyn Kurniawan

SMP Tarakanita Gading Serpong


Teenager often experience overthinking because of friendship, school, and themselves. The reason i did this research is because overthinking can be very effectful in our daily life and has a very deep impact. I got the data that I gave to 33 respondents using google form. The data I got is that 87,9% respondent have experience overthinking. One of the causes of overthinking is because of school. The conclusion is overthinking is very influental in our lives. 


Teenager who experience overthinking are sometimes caused by problems with friends, school, and themselves. Zanella Divani Angelica, a psychology student at Brawijaya University in her article entitled “ Stop Overthinking Demi Mental dan Fisik Remaja yang Lebih Sehat” said that feeling less confident or always doubting yourself is also a factor that caused overthinking. However, sometimes overthinking can help us think more deeply before we act. The habit of overthinking can really interfere with our daily activities because overthinking tends make us hold ourselves in making decisions, expressing opinions, trying new things, and so on. Overthinking can be interperted as thinking too much. Not only overthinking, constantly worrying, feeling anxious are also the main causes of overthinking among teenagers. As stated by Anna Surti Ariai in a interview with Tribun News entitled “ Cara Mengatasi Overthinking Menurut Psikolog” overthinking can make us unfocused, couldn’t sleep, tired, often blame ourself when making the wrong decisions, constantly worrying, and so on. As written by Laura Surfatiyah in her article entitled “ Penyebab Overthinking di Kalangan Remaja” being a teenager is a  phase of time when we are burdened future, life achievements. Pressure from several people or famillies that force teenagers to be assertive for their future. Thinking before doing something is a natural thing. However, if you always over thinking something to the point of wasting a lot of time you are most likely overthinking. This of  course would not be taken lightly because it can have a negative impact on mental and physical health as Laura Surfatiyah wrote in her article entitled “ Penyebab Overthinking di Kalangan Remaja”. According to Wirdatul Anisa a psychologist from Gadjah Mada University, overthinking is using too much time to think about something in a way that is detrimental and can be a form of ruminations and worries. Worry starts from our response to something that is excessive. As stated by Anna Surti Ariani that usually the thoughts are not about the solutions that can be done or tried. When overthinking our brain will be haunted by the feeling of whether the things that we do is right or wrong. This condition can interfere with our mental health because we are no longer focused on thinking about the solution but is stuck in the sam thoughts over and over again. Overthinking to often can be a very bad habit because it can cause a person to suffer from a mental disorder. As wrotten by Ajeng Adelista in her article entitled “ Insecure dan Overthinking yang Menghampiri Masa Remaja” people who often overthink also tend to think excessively aboout the response to what they will do in their lives. In a study, overthinking can be a very dangerous condition one example is that it can increase the risk of health problems such as digestive disorders, impaired brain function, and can weaken the body’s immunity. As Dimas Prasetyo wrote in his article entitled “ Apa Itu Overthinking yang Banyak Dirasakan Remaja? Bagaimana Cara Menghilangkanya?” overthinking can also cause serious emotional distress. As Fathan Akbar said in his article entitled “ Overthinking: Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasinya” overthinking can really interfere with daily activities because overthinking reduces our productivity we tend to feel tired to start a new day. Signs that show that we have experience overthinking are not being able to stop worrying, spending a lot of time thinking about the hidden meaning behind words that people say or events that happened, spending a lot of time either thinking about the event that happened in the past or thinking about the future, and too much imagining things. But overthinking doesn’t always give the negative impacts. There are several positive impacts of overthinking as written by Nunun in her writing entitled “ Gak Melulu Buruk, Ini 6 Sisi Positif Buat Kamu yang Overthinking” the positive impacts of overthinking is that it is easy to recognize mistakes and always think about the impact before acting. There are many ways to overcome overthinking by doing the thing you like, trying new things, meditate, tell people you trust about your problems, keep negative thoughts away, don’t be afraid to take actions, and try to relax. My goal is to conduct this research so that respondents or teens can maintain their mental health by realizing that overthinking has a negative impact. This research is useful for teenagers in general, especially early teens at Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School about the effect of overthinking on their mental health.  

Research Methodology

Research Question:

  1. What is overthinking?

  2. Why do teenagers often overthink

  3. Does overthinking affect teenagers mental health?

  4. What are the negative and positve effects of overthinking?

  5. How do teenager cope with overthinking?

This research uses quantitative  method, the data that I obtained using google form and there are 33 respondents age from 12-13 years old. The things I asked the respondents were the things related to overthinking in early teens. Such as what are the positive and negative  effect of overthinking, how to overcome overthinking, etc. The data that I got will be displayed in the form of a diagram.  

Result and Analysis

In this diagram is the result of the questionare that I have given to the respondents.

It can be seen from this diagram that most of the respondents have experienced overthinking.

Therefore, it can be said that most respondents experience overthinking because of things related to school.

The way respondents overcome overthinking that is 2 respondents pray, 7 respondents relax, 4 respondents tell their trusted ones about their problems, 11 respondents do the things they like, and 5 resondents sleep. Therefore it can be said that most respondents choose to do the things they like to cope with overthinking. 

Therefore it can be said that respondents become unfocused and having a hard time sleeping because of overthinking.

Therefore it can be said that most of the respondents can evaluate them self and can see a way out of the things that they think about continuously. 


Based on the results of my research, I conclude that most of the 33 respondents of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School have experienced overthinking. Most respondents from Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students experience overthinking because of thing that is related to school. Overthinking does not always bring positive effects to us. The negative effects of overthinking are having trouble sleeping, lack of focus, and decreased tests grade. The positive impact of overthinking is that we can see away out of the problem and can evaluate ourselves. 

Future Work

I hope that this research can help teenagers especially on early teenagers in Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School. Other than that this research can also be developed with different variabels.


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