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Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School Students' Responses to GeoEnzo Applications in the Visualization of Painting Tangent Lines of Two Circles

Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School Students' Responses to GeoEnzo Applications in the Visualization of Painting Tangent Lines of  Two Circles

Lomba Peneliti Belia Nasional 2021

Yosafat Evan Yuri Dwinugroho; Stefanov Yuves Wisely

SMP Tarakanita Gading Serpong


In general, the students of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School have difficulties in learning mathematics. They are face difficulties when they are learning remotely especially about geometry topics. So, many students difficult to understand, visualize and practice drawing a common tangent to two circles. This research aims to develop the GeoEnzo Application.

In the era of digitalization, the millennial generation has to expect to understand 21st-century learning technology. The GeoEnzo application on Youtube is a tutorial for painting special lines on triangles and building spaces. The advantage of this application is that it has a long-term feature and a straight line by clicking on one point, holding it until the desired point and then clicking. While the application media for how to paint a common tangent line of two circles on Youtube still uses a ruler as a measurement tool. Therefore, we chose the GeoEnzo application to visualize painting a common tangent of two circles as research material.

A common tangent is a line that touches two circles at once. There are two types of common tangents, namely internal common tangents and external common tangents. The internal common tangent is the length of the line segment formed by the points tangent to the circle with the internal common tangent. While the external common tangent is a line that is perpendicular to two circles at once on the outside of the two circles where the two circles are on the same line.



Image 1- Inner Guild Tangent 


Image 2- Outer Guild Tangent


However, the GeoEnzo app is a powerful and useful tool that allows users to turn their screen into a small digital whiteboard that displays the ability to do anything you could do on a regular whiteboard.


Image 3- Geoenzo App Home

Research Methodology

The purpose of this research is to be able to develop GeoEnzo application technology in the visualization of painting a common tangent line of two circles.

Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students in general have difficulty learning mathematics, especially during the pandemic where learning is carried out remotely. The researcher try to find solutions to help and facilitate students in visualizing and practicing the common tangents of two circles using the GeoEnzo application media.

This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. Descriptive research is research that uses observation, interviews or questionnaires about the current state of the subject we are researching. Through questionnaires and so on we collect data to test for hypotension or answer a question. Through this descriptive research, the researcher will explain what actually happened about the current situation being studied (Resseffendi 2010:33). Quantitative research methods are defined as research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, quantitative/statistical data analysis (Sugiyono 2017:8).

The research design used in this study is a survey type. According to Nana Syaodih (In Saepulloh, Asep, & Bahrudin 2012:6) said that the survey was used to find out the general description of the characteristics of the population. The researcher conducted a survey using quantitative research with sampling technique. Simple analysis aims to test the responses between variables X and variable Y. The researcher chose an analytical technique to determine the responses of the students of SMP Tarakanita Gading Serpong (X) to the application of GeoEnzo in the visualization of painting a common tangent line of two circles (Y).

The researcher made a video tutorial on Youtube for painting the tangent line of the intersection of two circles with the GeoEnzo application. Sampling 55 students of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School to watch a video tutorial for painting a common tangent line of two circles using the GeoEnzo application with the YouTube link Meanwhile, the data collection of students' responses from Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students to the videos uploaded on Youtube used Google Form. The researcher conducted sampling and data collection on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, from their respective homes.

Result and Analysis

The advantage of the GeoEnzo application when painting a common tangent line of two circles is that it is a sized term, so to measure the length of the radius of the circle and draw a straight line between two points using the straight line feature by holding down the click from one point to another or you can use the curve feature.



Image 4- Sized term



Image 5- Straight line feature

The researcher carried out data collection to find out the responses of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students to the visualization of painting a tangent line of two circles on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.

The responses of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students based on the results of the questionnaire are as follows:



Image 6- Tangent Line Drawing Visualization Diagram

Based on the diagram above, the responses of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students to the visualization of painting a common-tangent line of two circles with the GeoEnzo application: easy 67.3%, very easy 16.4%, and not easy 16.4%. In other words, students who responded easily were 83.7%. 


Image 7- GeoEnzo Application Features Complete Diagram

Based on the diagram above, the responses of the students of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School to the completeness of the features in the GeoEnzo application to paint a common tangent line of two circles: complete 56.4% and very complete 43.6%. In other words, 100% of students responded that the features of the GeoEnzo application were complete.




Image 8- Results of Understanding in Submission of Materials

Based on the diagram above, students of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School responded in delivering a tutorial on painting a common tangent line of two circles: easy to understand 69.1%, very easy to understand 29.1%, and not understandable 1.8%. Therefore, it can be said that 98.2% of students responded that it was easy to understand.





Image 9- Diagram of Interest in Submission of Material

Based on the diagram above, the responses of Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students in delivering a tutorial on painting a common tangent line of two circles with the GeoEnzo application: interesting 58.2% and very interesting 41.8%. Therefore, it can be said that 100% of students responded very interesting


RQ : Can the GeoEnzo application help and facilitate students in visualizing and practicing the common tangents of two circles ?

Based on the analysis research the GeoEnzo application can help and make it easier for Tarakanita Gading Serpong Junior High School students to visualize and practice painting a common tangent line of two circles.

Future Work

In the future, researchers will re-examine what new features that can make it easier and help students visualize and practice the common-tangent line of two circles with the GeoEnzo application.

So that, the GeoEnzo Application develops more to make it easier for the students to understand mathematics more.

The GeoEnzo application can be further developed to make it easier for students to paint “Three Dimensions”

This research is expected to motivate and inspire future researchers to conduct the same research about GeoEnzo Application.


Adinawan, M. Cholik. 2007. MATHEMATICS for Junior High School Volume 2B Class VIII Semester 2. Jakarta: Erlangga (Understanding the Tangent Line of the Inner Fellowship) (Understanding the Tangent Line of the Outer Guild) (Understanding GeoEnzo Applications) accessed on Saturday, September 6, 2021 at 17:59. (Definition of the Tangent Fellowship) accessed on Saturday, September 6, 2021 at 17:59. (Two Circles Outer Union Tangent) accessed on Saturday, September 6, 2021 at 17.59. (Two-Circles Tangent to Fellowship)

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